Archivo de la etiqueta: skinny

fuel fandango

5 enero, 2015

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I´m in love with this kind of looks.  Big coat, skinny jeans, basic white t-shirt and the original touch comes with the hat.  That´s the outfit I chose to go to Fuel Fandango concert.  They´re a spanish flamenco- electronic music fusion group.
Éste es uno de los looks que a […]

black headband

11 febrero, 2014

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In love with this kind of looks. Monochromatics colors with skinny jeans and maxisweaters. The original touch comes from the silver necklace and the black midi headband. And for a comfy day, these just discovered wonderful wedges.
Enamorada de este tipo de looks. Tonos monocromáticos en pitillos con maxijerseys. La […]

What is a sweatshirt?

15 enero, 2013

Recientemente os mostré aquí la tendencia sweatshirt, es decir, sudaderas deportivas reconvertidas en prendas de vestir.  ¿La clave? Mezclarla con prendas más formales e incorporarles accesorios como camisas interiores o collares cortos.
Ya tienes tu sweatshirt?
Recently I talked here about sweatshirt trend, I mean, sporty sweaters turned […]