Today I´ve spent a very special day. I have taken all my mum´s gifts with my bike and gone to celebrate her birthday with my nephews and the rest of the family! And when we were going to ask the desserts, my mum has decided to put some homemade […]
Archivo de la etiqueta: baggy
white sir
El sábado pasado montamos el escaparate navideño de la peluquería de mi amigo Unai. Tanto él –Queens Peluqueros– como mi amiga Isabel de –Castilla Belleza Integral– unirán fuerzas para dejarnos perfectas el día de Nochevieja. Así que si vivís en Vitoria, ¡tenéis que poneros en sus manos! Peinado, maquillaje, manicura, música en directo, […]
Today I show you a very special garment. This exclusive jacket created by a young spanish designer, Yin Larouge. She´s Ana, and she designs wonderful things that this one. I´m wearing a very simple look, but the jacket with bat sleeve gives it a different touch. I hope you […]
bilbao 4
Today with Jotaonce Bilbao (buy here) we show you a very simple look to go to the office in the middle of this autumn or next winter. We hope you like it!
Hoy con Jotaonce Bilbao (comprar aquí) os traemos un look muy sencillito para un día de oficina en […]
pls, winter bye bye
Guys, I´m still showing you looks with too many clothes, even though sun is coming at last and my happy friends think this weekend we will be able to go to the beach. So I promise to bring you more summer outfits. Besides, I´m used to go to my […]
blue leather
Hey guys! You will be tired of seeing this jacket in Zara. To say the truth I needed time to decide about buying it, but finally, its price and color pushed me to send it to my wardrobe, haha. The good new is that, even though I´ve seen it […]
man jacket
Another of my masculine looks. I know some of you don´t like male looks, but in winter… I love them!! I supose in this season I value comfy garments and, of course, my lovely beanies. Ok…. what I highlight today? The boyfriend jacket. Why? Because it´s hard for my […]
militar gold jacket
Don´t you think this sailor style jacket with gold borders is simply original? In fact, it´s so original than you should wear it only with denim basic garments. On this way you will get this result, giving all the leadership to the jacket. I hope you like it!!
¿No os […]
Otro de mis pantalones chandaleros. No os digo cuántos tengo porque os asustáis. Pero cuando me apetece ir cómoda y juvenil, siempre tiro de ellos. Además, este año vuelven a ser tendencia. Mis favoritos los encontraréis en Zara y Stradivarius. Éstos en concreto los encontré en Madrid. Y por […]
green blazer
He descubierto una interesante web de bolsos y zapatos on line donde una serie de estilistas personalizan la venta de su colección en función de tu personalidad y tus gustos: JustFab. Vais a encontrar zapatos baratos y de calidad, y si te registras en su página, en vuestra primera […]