A very simple look for an any thursday. Long time without a black garment. But for those days where weather goes wrong and colder… it´s fantastic. And you´ve seen this year my bet is […]
Archivo de la etiqueta: black shirt
These pics are from yesterday. The city was incredible beautiful. Many years without seeing so much non stop snow. But moving through the city in these conditions… puf, dangerous and difficult! It´s a pity, you can´t see the colors of the jacket or the pearls of the boots due […]
Another beanie look to bear better so many hours over the streets of Barcelona. I recover the last year famous tartan style and reduce them with black garments and patent leather boots. ¡Thanks for your visits!
Otro estilismo con gorrito para sobrellevar mejor tantas horas de trote por las calles […]
Ummmm… I´ve just thrown away my car keys over the hole of the lift. I´m not going to tell you what I´m thinking about 🙁 Well, while you enjoy this simple look with black hat, I´ll bang my head against the wall, grrrrrr.
Ummm… acabo de tirar las llaves del […]